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Bradley H. Gryder
This file: http://www.energykitesystems.net/HGpilots/BradleyHGryder.html

H4 , HGP
Recreational Hang Glider Pilot life rating by USHGRS
HG since 1989  Special skills: PL TUR RFL FSL CL AWCL T1 XC

Some additional information given by pilot's public activity:

And we find to add interest:
  • Foothills Flight Park  NOTE: The overarching host site, perhaps Tripod or something else, inserts many pop-ups, but one may still see the Foothills Flight Park pages and information without joining those meta offers. While enjoying the wanted readings and photos, I was wishing that the target interest of Foothills Flight Park was outside of the meta framing. It was uncomfortable dodging the aside offers from the framing host; we are seeking links to FFP outside of that frame. Anyone? 
    Send notes to news@USHGRS.org  
  • Patent
    Weight-shift flight control transducer and computer controlled flight simulator, hang gliders and ultralight aircraft utilizing the same