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John Kangas
This file: http://www.energykitesystems.net/HGpilots/JohnKangas.html

H4, HGP, Otto
Recreational Hang Glider Pilot life rating by USHGRS

Some additional information given by pilot's public activity:
  • Over three decades of hang gliding ...

And we find to add interest:
  • " John Kangas is the weatherman for the King Mountain Championships and he ’ s also a hang glider pilot. While he has an aviation background that includes flying jets for the airlines and small planes in the backcountry, he says gliding is his passion. "

  • " To fly with no engine, to sustain your flight based on your feel, your knowledge of the sky, what you observe, what you ’ ve learned before and being able to apply it and continue to grow is … I think that ’ s a dream come true for people who have a passion for flying. And if you ever get a chance to experience it, it ’ s something you really never ever forget. We ’ re doing something man has dream doing for thousands and thousands of years.
    -- John Kangas, hang glider pilot "
  • King Mountain
  • Idaho HGA
  • Crow Gliding Area north of Ben's Crow Inn   CHALLENGES     2010
  • Discussion about John Kangas